…and not just at Halloween time but all year round!
OK, I confess that the primary reason for this post is to give me an excuse to use my special Halloween CopyDoodles like this one…
But I have to say it is FRIGHTENING how much money you might be missing out on through SCARY marketing mistakes!
In a previous post marketing maestro Drayton Bird revealed…
“20 Ways To Make More Money From Your Marketing”
…and a number of those tips were actually things to avoid…
…because of their TERRIFYING consequences!
We’ve also looked at…
“Are You Guilty Of Any Of These Marketing Sins?”
… which can have MONSTROUS consequences for your bottom line.
And far too many companies are like ZOMBIES in their marketing…
…not thinking about what they are doing and carrying on doing the same things even if they’re not working!
Here are 7 mistakes to avoid…
1. Failing to do your homework
2. Not testing
3. Lack of FOCUS and targeting the wrong people
4. Trying to be “smart” or too clever
5. Not using effective copy in the appropriate format and length
6. Missing out on essential steps in the marketing process
7. Lack of persistence
Copywriting and direct response marketing can produce MAGICAL results when applied correctly…
…but a lot of it simply comes down to applying proven principles and avoiding the kind of SCARY marketing mistakes mentioned in this post.
Happy Halloween and I hope you get some frightfully good results!