This Halloween 2015 there’s plenty in the world of marketing to get “spooked” about.
The ghost of the great Claude Hopkins probably still wanders the land wondering what happened to “Scientific Advertising”…
…and would David Ogilvy even recognise the company that he founded and led to such great success?
Their “Marketing Warnings From Beyond The Grave” are still FRIGHTENINGLY relevant!
Another horror blights the land…
…Zombie Marketing!
That’s what happens when…
…marketing campaigns are put on auto-pilot…
…and forgotten!
Autoresponder email campaigns that were written many years ago and have never been updated continue to lurch into unsuspecting inboxes. Readers recoil in horror…
…as the sequence repeats in an endless loop…the campaign no longer having any life in it, but it staggers on refusing to die.
Case in point…an email talking about a “recent submission”…that took place almost 10 years ago.
Supposedly “evergreen” promotions have turned a sickly colour as they decay. Anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across the mess draws back in disgust.
Perhaps even worse, current campaigns are launched…
…with no tracking of the results! Sales might come in, but there’s no control over the campaign that takes on a spooky life of its own.
Now it’s quite understandable that as marketers we want to create marketing campaigns that are long-lasting. When we do so, we are building an asset that will stand us in good stead. But like all assets, such campaigns need maintenance and care to maintain their longevity. Without that, they will eventually decay…ending up another example of Zombie Marketing!
A real horror to avoid this Halloween!