David White Presenting GKIC London Meeting August 2014
The latest meeting of the GKIC London Chapter…
“The Place For Prosperity”
…took place on Tuesday, 19 August 2014.
This month’s guest speaker was Patrick Powers…
…expert in persuasion, influencing and networking.
His topic was how to network effectively and in particular how to avoid the…
“7 Deadly Sins Of Networking And Influencing”
The idea of networking is widely promoted as a way to generate new business. After all, pretty much everyone tends to do business with those that they “know, like and trust”.
However, the usual experience of business folks with networking is one of frustration and disappointment. The reasons for this obviously will vary on the individual, but in general it’s because…
1. People don’t understand the real purpose of networking and how to go about it the right way
2. They don’t persist and follow through (and follow up).
The first 2 networking “deadly sins” discussed by Patrick were…
1. Too much focus on simply “meet and greet” and n0t enough on the real business of meeting and influencing the right people
2. Having a “pitch” (or introduction) that is not compelling and fails to inspire any interest. Typically faults are lack of clarity and being too long
By “pitch”, Patrick is talking about what’s called your “elevator speech” in other circles.
Great presentation with useful tips and some immediate action steps.
More about Patrick and how he can help you at PatrickMPowers.com and www.Facebook.com/PatrickMPowers
David White then presented the main session…
“Direct Mail Success: 10 Tips To Get Your Envelope Opened”.
Before going through these 10 points, there was a useful recap of intermediary steps and objectives in any direct mail campaign…
1. Get your message delivered
2. Get your message opened
3. Get your message read
Its’ only then you can actually get to the step that receives the most attention…getting the reader to take the action you desire.
Simple, of course, but by breaking down the process, you can identify the potential problems and obstacles to your success.
Back to the main presentation. Of the 10 tips the first 2 are…
1. Never assume your envelope will be opened (hence the importance of having a strategy to maximise the chances that it will be opened)
2. If you disguise your business mail as personal mail, everything must be executed perfectly and congruently (so, the importance of using a real stamp and not simply having the envelope franked).
In addition to the remaining 8 tips, David revealed a special BONUS tip on the hidden reasons that make someone more likely to open your mail piece.
Of course, you had to be there to discover this particular secret. To avoid missing out on next month’s meeting…
…which will be on Tuesday, 23 September 2014…
…go to the GKIC London website.
Once again, a great meeting and opportunity to chat and share ideas with like-minded, success-oriented business folk.
If you’re interested in applying direct response GKIC-style marketing to be more successful in business, why not come along to the next meeting?
The great Mr David White has kindly agreed that I can offer 2 free tickets to readers of this blog. If you’d like one, send me a message through the contact form on the page “Contact Kevin Francis”.
UPDATE (21 August 2014):
But wait…there’s MORE!!
If you’re wondering what GKIC and the GKIC London Chapter is all about and whether it’s worth your while attending, David White is holding a FREE business training next Wednesday (27 August 2014) at “The Anthologist” in central London. The topic is “Four Free Practical Growth Strategies”. David will cover…
1. A classic mistake that actually limits and reduces sales
2. The vital preparation that maximises sales and growth
3. The single and very best way to differentiate
4. The number one way to get the prices you want
All the details and how to register are at…
Places are limited because of the size of the venue so why not have a look at this right now?