Welcome to this month’s “Looking Ahead” feature for September 2024…
…where we take a look at the events, occasions, anniversaries and holidays that we can use as the foundation for event-driven marketing promotions in the coming month.
It’s a time of a change of seasons. The September Equinox falls on September 22 at 12.44 UT (that’s 13.44 UK BST time…check for your particular location).
It’s Autumn in the north and Spring in the south…
…and these can be used as broad themes for a promotion.
Tied in with these, in the northern hemisphere it’s normally “Back to School” or “Back to Work” and the start of the run-in to the end of the year.
In the southern hemisphere, “Spring Time” or “Spring Cleaning” can be used as a theme.
In Germany, the famous Oktoberfest takes place. The 189th Oktoberfest starts on September 21 and runs through until October 6.
Looking at some specific occasions… [Read more…]