I thought I’d start this month’s “Looking Ahead” feature with a moment of humour from Tom Fishburne and his cartoon from a post titled…
“generic advertising ‘in these uncertain times'”
The point here is that many marketers are defaulting to a safe and somewhat cliched style in their advertising and other messages. Well worth reading the whole post.
Now, I’m not going to suggest that we are anywhere near to being “back to normal”. However, around the world the various measures taken to combat the Covid-19 pandemic are being eased somewhat in a number of places.
I’d suggest as well that people have adapted to the situation and are getting on with their lives as best they can…
…which means they are receptive to offers that are relevant and attractive.
The comments at the beginning of last month’s post about how to market in a time of crisis are still relevant. But provided that you…STAY RELEVANT…and REMAIN APPROPRIATE…there’s no need to hold back in your marketing.
And…referring back to the beginning of this post…remember that being boring is probably the biggest sin in marketing!
One other point…
…this crisis will end. If you’re currently closed…or restricted in what you can do…it’s important to prepare for the reopen and getting back to full speed as fast as possible.
Special promotions can play a BIG part in that…
…so it’s worth being prepared. With all that said, let’s have a look at the holidays and occasions that can be used as the basis for a promotion… [Read more…]