GKIC London Chapter September 2014 Meeting
The latest meeting of the GKIC London Chapter took place on Tuesday, 23 September 2014. On this occasion, and it appears for the rest of the year, we were back at “The Anthologist” in Gresham Street. The “Eight Club” unexpectedly raised their room hire rates rather drastically so the meeting was relocated to our previous home. The meeting room at “The Anthologist” is a little smaller but still a comfortable venue.
A small lesson in resilience from this incident. I believe that organiser and the all-round mastermind behind GKIC London, David White, only got the bad news late last week. Undaunted, he quickly made arrangements to return to our previous home and the show went on. In business, you may well confront obstacles but successful people find a way to overcome them with the minimum of fuss…as demonstrated by David White!
Back to the meeting and the guest speaker was Nigel Risner. Nigel is a respected author, television presenter and speaker who specialises in coaching top executives to improved performance. He’s the author of two books, “The IMPACT Code” all about living the life you deserve and “It’s a zoo around here” a somewhat different take on getting your message across more successfully.
Nigel spoke for about an hour and his presentation can best be described as an introduction to, and brief overview of the material covered in his books. The first part was all about how to make more of an IMPACT in both your business and life. Some of the points Nigel made are, on the face of it, quite straightforward. For example, at a business meeting…
1. Do you have a name tag so that people can quickly know who you are (and be more likely to remember you)?
2. If you have a book (and if not, why not?!?) do you have copies easily at hand?
3. Do you simply have your normal all-purpose business cards or do you have a set of cards more likely to make an impact with the specific group at that event?
These might seem straightforward but, as with so many things, do you actually do these kind of things? Most people do not, of course, which means it’s relatively easy to stand out from the crowd with some simple actions.
Nigel also talked a little about some key success principles and the importance of the right mindset. As an illustration here’s a little exercise. Take a look at the following… [Read more…]